Banana bread oats cookies ( Sugar free & Vegan )


These cookies are a staple in our household, I make them weekly and Declan loves them, ( and so do the rest of the family!) #momwin They are super easy to make as its basically just mixing a few ingredients together and voila! Delicious guilt free oats biscuits that taste like banana bread. These are perfect for breakfast or to add to your childs lunchbox, basically they are great any time of day..

Banana bread oats cookies 


2 large ripe and spotty bannans

1 cup rolled oats

80ml  Add ins like dried cranberries, raisins, shredded coconut etc.

a pinch of sea salt

5ml vanilla essence

5ml cinnamon


  1. Preheat oven to 180 Celsius . Line a baking sheet (parchment or foil) and lightly grease/spray with cooking spray
  2. in a medium bowl, mash the bananas with a fork until almost no lumps remain (mixture should be almost liquid if using really ripe bananas). Stir in oats, salt and cinnamon until well-blended. Let mixture stand for 5 minutes. Mix in any optional ingredients, if using. ( I used dried cranberries)
  3. Drop by heaping tbsp onto prepared baking sheet about 1 inch apart (they don’t really spread).
  4. Bake in preheated oven for 13 to 15 minutes until golden brown and firm to touch at the center. Transfer to cooling rack and cool completely.


Tip: The cookies are great soon after baking, but exponentially better after sitting for a few hours (they become softer and sweeter).
Storage: Store the cooled cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for 2 days, or in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Happy baking!




31 Things I want my children to know

Raising children is not an easy task, and raising confident, kind, and well mannered children are even more difficult. We have such a huge responsibility as mothers in nurturing our children so that they can develope to their highest potential in life. Although equally important for a father to do the same , we as mothers are normally the primary care giver of these precious souls for the first few years. 

Here some of the things I hope to teach my children 💗

1. Laugh every single day.

2. Whatever you decide to do in life , make sure it makes you happy. Follow your passion.

3. Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do. 

4. I’ll be here for you. Always.

5. You are worthy. You are special. You are the only version of you to exist in the universe.

6. Take LOTS of pictures.

7. Use your fearless spirit to follow God without Hesitation. 

8. Be kind to everyone. Even strangers. You don’t know what they are going through. 

9. Always eat Breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. 

10. You will make a lot of mistakes a long the way. It’s okay! Learn from them. 

11. Life is not a race. Never compare yourself to where the people around you are. Your journey is different. 

12. There is more to life than money. Money can never truly make you happy. 

13. Drinks lots of water! 

14. Apreciate the little things in life.

15. You are beautiful because you are HIS amazing creation and your soul grows more lovely the closer you get to him. 

16. Find friends that make you a better person. 

17. Spend time outside everyday. Nature heals! 

18. It’s okay to cry, it doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human. 

19. Play a sport. It will teach you how to win honorably, lose gracefully, respect authority and work with others. 

20. Your knowledge and education is something that nobody can take away from you. 

21. Take pride in your appearance.

22. When it rains, pause to go jump in puddles. Dance while you are it!

23. You are a creation of two peoples eternal love.  Your Dad and I wanted you more than anything else in life. 

24. You don’t have to be the best at something to make a difference in the world. 

25. Always tell the truth, even if it means you will get in trouble. 

26. The book is ALWAYS better than the movie. 

27. Always be sincerely grateful for what you have. 

28. Nothing you can ever do can make me stop loving you. 

29. Your body is a miracle, care for it and love it deeply. 

30. Pray! Pray when you are sad, happy, scared, alone – Pray everyday! 

31. YOU are the master of your fate. You are the captain of your soul. 

Why its important to date your husband

Today I wanted to write about something that is so important but often so overlooked once you become parents- Dating your spouse.

My husband and I recently decided we really need to make more of an effort to spend some time together, without the kids. We desperately needed it and more importantly our marriage needed it. Its not selfish to want to spend time away from your children and focus on your spouse.We live such fast paced lives, juggling careers, home life and kids, where does our marriage fit in? Its so easy to forget that we need to look after our marriage just as we need to look after our kids, after all, Happiness isn’t something that happens, its something that you make.

Most of us live increasingly busy lives and often the time effort required to successfully nurture a relationship can be forgotten, this is where couples can grow apart. Time is a precious commodity and when you willingly decide that you want to spend time alone with each other, you are saying “you are worthy of my time” During our busy lives where raising kids takes center stage, most of us stops actively pursuing our spouses. I guess its kind of the mentality that we got them. What more do we need to do?

Here are 5 reason Why you should DATE your husband/wife

1.You need to make your spouse a priority

When you date your spouse you are letting them know you are interested in them and that you are attracted to them. You want to get back to those feelings you had when you first started dating, the butterflies , the anticipation and the excitement of spending time with your favorite person in the world. I personally get so caught up in being a MOMMY that I forget I am a wife too and that although those leggings and hoodies are comfy, I enjoy getting dressed up for my husband.

2. It sets a good example for your children

Dating your spouse and spending quality time with one another displays to your children what a healthy marriage and loving relationship should look like.

3. Dating Helps build intimacy

When you spend time re-conneting with your spouse and spending time doing things with each other as your main priority , being spontaneous, laughing and being physically close with one another, it leads to an increased attraction which will lead to physical and emotional intimacy.

4. You learn new things about each other

Just because you are married doesn’t mean you know everything there is to know about your spouse. My husband and I have been married for 5 years and I still constantly learn new things about him and his goals and dreams for our future.

5. You get to try new things

Make date night fun and exciting by doing something that you have never done before. Create a date night bucket list and schedule them throughout the year. This way you create new memories with each other and you can both choose activities that you’ve wanted to do.

So go out and plan a date night and be reminded why you fell in love in the first place! Also let me know what are your favorite date night activities.

“Always strive to give your spouse the very best of yourself, not what’s left over after you have given your best to everyone else” – Dave Willis



The dreaded 7 letter word…. T-A-N-T-R-U-M


Let me level with you, Declan has been challenging me to the max. He has been having some EPIC tantrums and we all know that when your kid is in the middle of a tantrum that it can be tough to keep yourself from having a meltdown too. Declan has mostly been a very chilled out, calm and sweet little boy but the last few weeks he completely flips his switch if he doesn’t get what he wants. I had no idea that given my 2 year old the wrong color plate, or cutting his cheese into too small pieces could result in such chaos.   Tantrums are terrible, nasty and scary things and it is so important to understand why happen and what is the best way to handle them.

Children between the ages of 1 – 4 haven’t developed good coping skills yet, so when they don’t get what they want they tend to just loose it instead. The logical part (aka the frontal cortex) of a human’s brain doesn’t fully develop until age 25, Yep let that sink in… Age 25! Learning to deal with frustration is a skill that children learn over time. Tantrums are most common between the ages of two and three, this also the time when language skills are starting to really develop. Children often don’t have the words to express big emotions and they want more independence but fear being separated from you. They are also discovering that they can change the way the world works. This is a lot for a two year old to handle!

Understanding where they come from and how they are feeling is important but when your toddler is taking a walk in tantrum city in  the middle of a crowded mall or grocery store , it can be seriously embarrassing! But it shouldn’t be , ALL children go through some stage of throwing tantrums and it is NOT a reflection on you as parent.

Accept that temper tantrums are developmentally appropriate and, to a point, psychologically healthy. This doesn’t mean that you have to give him what he wants. This process of accepting that he can’t always get what he wants will be something that he struggles with for years to come, I mean I know of quite a few adults that still struggle with this!

These tips below saved my husband and myself and the way that we deal with Declan when he has a tantrum.

1. Keep your cool and deal with the tantrum as calmly as possible. Remember, you are your child’s role model for handling anger.

2. Walk away from him when he is having an outburst. Don’t go too far, but giving him some space has been very beneficial to us and to him.

3. Remain calm even if things get physical. When your child acts out physically, breathe and try to stay as calm as you can.

4. Talk in soothing tones. So important to show them that you are calm and in control

5. Don’t try to reason with a child who’s having a tantrum. He is so emotionally out of control that this won’t work.

6. Acknowledge their feelings .This aligns you with them and sets the stage for him/her to begin to work through his own problems.

7. Avoid tantrum triggers. I have realized that Declan doesn’t like being in over crowded spaces so I now try and avoid shopping malls with him.

So what are your tips on dealing with toddler tantrums?

“When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, its our job to share our calm, not join their chaos” L.R KNOST

Till next time


How to adjust going from one to two kids

There are so many articles on the internet about the transition from one to two children and trust me you will get so much advice from all over ( some welcome and some not..) Pretty much right after finding out I was pregnant with Leah , I started reading ALL the articles I could find on how to make this adjustment as easy as possible on all of us. Everyone that personally knows me knows that I’m a planner and let me tell you…you can’t plan this! There are however certain things you can do to make it easier on everyone, especially your first born.

Firstly… stop feeling guilty! I remember doing that pregnancy test after work and when I saw that second line I was over the moon but later that night I started feeling SO guilty . Declan was no longer an only child and he would have to share his Mommy and Daddy for the rest of his life! I went through all the emotions and about a million questions raced through my mind, the most prominent one, “Will I love this baby as much as I love my first?” The answer is yes, but you will love them both differently and for different reasons. I  love Declan because he made me a mother but Leah completed our family. They are both unique so my love for them is also unique. Also in understanding that your first born has been in your life longer and you have had longer to love them, you take some of that pressure away that makes you feel as though you have to love your second baby just as much as your first right form start. I initially bonded with Declan much quicker than I did with Leah , I think this has a lot to do with the fact that I was in so much pain after my second cesarean section, but as soon as my pain levels were under control and Leah started nursing that flood of love came and quite literally made my heart double in size to accommodate all that love.  So yes you will them both equally but differently.

 Prepare your firstborn. So Declan was 22 months old when Leah was born , which is still a baby in my eyes but we did a few things while I was pregnant with Leah to start preparing him for what was about to happen. We spoke to him every day about the new baby in my belly and that he was now being promoted to big brother .We read books to him and to the baby in mommies tummy and we showed him lots of pictures from when he was a tiny baby.  We included him in all the preparations with getting her room ready. I mean he really didn’t “help” a lot  but he loved being part of putting everything together.  Another great tip make sure that you have a good routine in place , because it will save your sanity! We have always been quite lucky with Declan in the sense that he is good sleeper but it’s very important to have that routine very set. The last thing you would want is to have to deal with an over tired toddler at night when you are still getting used to your new born. I can recommend reading sleep sense by Meg Faure, it’s a wonderful book that explains why routine is so important.


Give a little extra love and cuddles. As soon as that tiny new born is placed in your arms you will immediately realize just how big your toddler really is, so take all the time you possibly can to soak up all of their littleness. In the last few weeks before baby is born, be sure to spend some extra time loving and snuggling your first born. Their lives are about to change forever so a little extra love can’t hurt! This will also beneficial for you as the parent to have a last few adventures and fun days as a family of three. We planned some fun activities with Declan and made sure to document those days. The Sunday before Leah was born we spent the day at a petting zoo and play park and we played and laughed so much!


Write a letter to your firstborn. Before baby no 2 arrives be sure to take some quite time and write a letter to your firstborn telling them just how much you love and adore them and that those feelings will never change. Tell them what a great big brother or sister they will be and that the new baby is so lucky to have them. Then wipe away your tears and read them the letter. This letter is just as much for you as it is for them. I will share the one I wrote to Declan.

To my son Declan 

You will always be my baby. It feels like yesterday that Daddy placed you in my arms and you immediately stopped crying. God blessed us in so many ways with you. My son, my absolute everything.Tomorrow our lives change, you become a big brother!

Mommy wants you to know that nothing will ever change my love for you, it’s never ending! You opened my hart to a love that only a mother knows. You will be the best big brother in the world. Yow will cover her in hugs and kisses like only you can.  You will protect her, because she is your little sister and she needs you. She is so lucky to have you.

So tomorrow you won’t be my only child anymore, but you will always be my only son. My first child, the one that made me a mother.

I love you very much Declan, more than what is possible to explain.

Never ending love and kisses



Accept the new normal. The first few months will be hard and your lives as you had before is over. (That sounds scary right!) Life is about finding a balance that works for your family. You will need to find your new normal and also yourself as a parent of two young children. This will take time and it’s important not to be too hard on yourself. There will be times where things will be chaotic and where both children will cry at the same time and yes your house will probably never be clean again but I promise you it is so worth it, and I promise you there is nothing quite like the feeling of seeing your baby love your baby.

Till next time.


My top 10 must have baby items for new Mommies. 

So I get asked quite a lot what are my must have baby items and as a second time mommy I feel as though this time around I have more knowledge and can make better recommendations to new Mommies. When I was pregnant with Declan I wanted anything and everything baby related and I ended up spending way too much money on unnecessary items ( sorry husband) So these recommendations are what I felt helped me get through those first few months as a new mommy. 

1. Baby Carrier

I find babywearing a great way to carry baby around the house while you have things to do, and another little human to look after. Also great for outings when the pram is too big and bulky. They are also amazing to help calm and soothe a fussy baby. We have both the Noonoo pie wrap and the Ubuntu baba carrier. The Noonoo Pie stretchy wraps are amazing when they are still super tiny and the Ubuntu baba carrier gives more support when they get bigger. Best thing is , they come with sleepy baby dust! 

2. Bouncy chair/ Baby swing

We have both the Ingenuity sway swing and the Tiny love 3 in 1 rocker. Sometimes Mommy really needs a 5 minute break to drink some cold coffee and quickly eat something and I cant recommend have one(or both) of these enough. I like the Tiny love rocker because you can move it from room to room in the house and it grows with baby having different adjustable levels. The Ingenuity swing is also great for when baby takes a short nap or when we have dinner and they can hang out in the swing.

3. Playmat

You really don’t need to buy a very expensive one just make sure it’s colorful and has interesting things that baby can look at. We have one from Bright starts that we got when Declan was a few weeks old and we are using it again with Leah. It’s great for Tummy time! 

4. Digital ear thermometer 

We only got a digital thermometer when Declan was about a month old. I could never get accurate readings with the traditional thermometers so I decided to invest in a digital one. The in ear thermometer from Braunn gives you a reading in 2 seconds! 

5. Electronic breastpump 

If you are planning to breastfeed you might want to look at purchasing a decent electronic breastpump. Breast pumps are great to have on hand , especially if you would like to express some milk for Daddy to feed baby or when you go back to work and have to express during the day. I am a huge Medela fan so I can highly recommend the Medela swing. Their nipple cream and breast pads are also amazing. 

6. NoseFrieda

The Nosefrieda is quite simply amazing! It works wonders when baby is congested. It’s so gross but very satisfying to suck out all that snot and mucous. ( the things we do as parents hey! ) 

7. Zip-up sleepsuits 

So everyone that knows me knows that I love dressing my children in cute outfits but those first few months all you want are clothes that are easy to get on and off. I love the zip up sleepsuits from Cotton on Kids and Woolworths. Total life savers for the middle of the night nappy changes when you are so tired and can’t keep your eyes open!  They also get my husband’s stamp of approval as he says it’s uncomplicated. 

8. Snuza breathing monitor/ Angelcare sound and movement monitor

I have a huge fear of SIDS and both these items has been so amazing at giving me some assurance when baby is sleeping in their cot/co-sleeper. The Snuza is a clip on monitor that monitors baby’s breathing and sounds an alarm when no breathing/movement is detected. 

9. Muslin blankets 

You quite simply can’t have enough of these. They are one of my favorite baby items because they can be used for so many different things. Burp cloths, a blanket, pram cover, breastfeeding cover and a swaddle blanket. You also don’t need to buy the super expensive ones. I found my favorite ones from the baby section in Checkers Hyper. They are super soft and big and washes great. 

10. Sprogipad baby bath cushion from Simply child

I always had major anxiety when it was bath time but with this baby Bath Cushion, you can safely and comfortably float your little one so that your hands are free to wash them. This really does make bath time a relaxing time in our household. 

So there you have it! What are your must have items? I will be sure to share my favorite products for babies from 4-12 months. 

Till next time!
